Xtream Dispatching is totally dedicated to the Hotshot driver.

Finding Loads
Finding loads is not your problem anymore. Finding HotShot loads is what we do. Our HotSot dispatching specialist will find you the right load at the right rate. Guaranteed!

Rate Negotiations
Since we are HotShot load specialists, we will for sure get you the best rates possible for HotShot loads. We know negotiating for our clients is serious and it requires a very strategic plan. Our time-proven strategic plan will ensure you will earn the highest profit per load possible.

Assigning Loads
Along with getting the right loads, Xtream Dispatching uses the best dispatching management software on the market. This is just one of the reasons our HotShot drivers earn the highest profits in the business.

When you are hauling, our dispatchers are handling all your paperwork. We know the importance of getting all the paperwork needed for the factoring company. We do this with our dispatching management software, we can generate all paperwork needed with a click of a button and send it to your factoring company so you will get paid ASAP.

We invoice one time a week for all services. Week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday invoices are sent out on Monday for all services done the past week.
We offer three ways to invoice you for our services.
1-EZ Invoice by First National Bank

Free Week Trial
We offer a ONE FREE WEEK TRIAL of our dispatching service just to make sure that Xtream Dispatching is the right dispatching service for your HotSot trucking business.
The Xream Difference!

Our Services
We offer our clients two packages.
1- The basic package is 5% of gross.
This package includes finding the load and dispatching. You do all the paperwork.
2-The premium package is 10% of gross
This package includes everything. Find load, dispatch, and send all necessary paperwork to your factoring company.

Managed Website.
As a dedicated Xtream dispatching driver we will build or transfer your website to our VPS server with no charge for web hosting. You will get a dedicated phone number to use on your website. Our dispatchers will answer this number for you and get all the info on the potential load. Then we will contact you and see if you want the load or not and what to charge. Then we get back with the prospect and confirm the load and send them an invoice. It would work the same way if they fill out the contact form on your website. Our dispatchers would get the info and contact you and then reply to the contact form.

Referral Program
We know our clients will refer us without a referral program. BUT, we believe in that old saying. You scratch my back, and I will scratch yours.
Here is how it works.
For every referral, we will deduct 2% off your invoice.
5 referrals would be 10%
10 referrals would be 20%
20 referrals would be 40%

Xtream HotShot fuel card

Xtream Factoring
Xtream Dispatching has partnered with an industry-leading factoring company. We have integrated the factoring service into our dispatching software. With our dispatching mobile app, you simply take a picture of the BOL and any other paperwork the factoring company may need and send it to our dispatching software from the app and with a click of a button we send it to the factoring company, and you will get paid within 24hrs.

No other dispatching company does everything Xtream Dispatching does.
- Dedicated to the Hotshot driver
- Dedicated dispatcher
- Best rates for HotShot loads
- Dispatching app
- Free Week Trail
- Three ways to invoice you for our services
- Hosting for your website
- Manage your Website
- Referral Program
- Factoring Services
- Fuel card
- ELD (KeepTrucking)
- IFTA Fuel Tax Reporting
- We can manage your entire business.